
This is our NXTsoft standard API for Monetary Transactions. Complete monetary transactions on a core. Publish the transaction and receive account information in the response.





Operation Summary Description


Store amount information Stores amount information.
authorization-type Define type of authorization Define type of authorization.
debit Allows for posting a Debit to a (Checking) account. Transaction Manager configures to specs for transactions codes.
donor-create Creates a New donor Request containing data to establish a new donor.


Allows for posting a Credit to a (Savings) account. Transaction Manager configures to specs for transactions codes.
cash-amount Store amount information Store amount information.
get Verifies the routing number by bank name. Returns an institution name once the ABA number is verified.
get-sav-stop-pays Requests the stop payment information Gets the stop pays that are attached to the requested account.
overdrawn-request Requests overdrawn information Request containing data of the overdraw.
payee-create Creates a new payee Request containing data to establish a new payee.
payment-async Updates loans payment information Posts a loans payment.
post-memo-to-sav-account Creates a new memo for a (savings) account Request to insert a new memo post activity to an account.
put Allows for a Wire to be staged for consideration by the financial institution. The Wire staging process allows for business rules to be applied to each wire as it is staged. If rejected the caller will be told why. If successful it will be waiting for approval from the hosting institution.
status-type Define status of transactions Define status of transactions by type.
transfer Transfer of funds Performs a funds transfer.
transaction-fee Sets and defines transaction fee Applies fee to specific transaction types.
transaction-type Define type of transactions Define type of transactions.
recipient-create Creates a new recipient information Request containing data to establish a new recipient.
withdrawal-request Request withdrawal information Request containing data of a withdrawal.